New Here?
Wherever you are in life, we believe that God created you for a purpose and it is no accident you have landed on our website. Our main purpose for being the church is enabling each person to grow a relationship with Jesus Christ! Each of our worship services lasts about one hour. We are both traditional liturgical Lutheran and contemporary praise worship experiences. Our attendees are from all walks of life and backgrounds.
Are We a Denomination?
Well, actually, yes and no. Zion Lutheran is affiliated with Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ (LCMC). LCMC is an association of congregations and individuals who are free in Christ, accountable to one another, rooted in the Scriptures and the Lutheran Confessions and are working together to fulfill Christ’s Great Commission to go and make disciples of all nations. So you can say, yes we are Lutheran but our structure creates the best of autonomy and freedom. You can learn more about LCMC HERE.

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